Charlotte’s spent her entire career devoted to all things advertising and marketing, on brands as diverse as Honda, FHM magazine, Selfridges, M&S, Volkswagen, Guinness World Records, the NHS and the National Trust. Her career has spanned the traditional (BBH and WCRS), to the eclectic – including running a radio station for the National Lottery and launching an online celebrity gossip magazine.
At Woodreed, Charlotte believes in the power of brand to engage people inside as well as outside businesses. She’s dedicated to ensuring people on the inside receive the same standard, quality and creativity of brand experience as customers on the outside. She works to create cultures of people who live their company’s brand AND who in turn share their enthusiasm with their customers.
Outside, Charlotte’s passion is for her three small children using the mothering skills honed from years of working with creatives. She loves debating (“It is important to sometimes eat with a knife and fork rather than your hands” – discuss), wine, radio 4, laughing, her annual jaunt to Ibiza, running and playing tennis (although not always at the same time).