“Internal communications is rarely the problem of internal communications teams”
I came across this line in a great post by Eleanor Tweddell.
She was writing about just how vital good communication is at times of lay-off and redundancy. It’s a leadership choice as to how they communicate that – well or badly. She is so right.
I’ve been making the point throughout the current crisis that it’s communication, communication, communication that matters. We’ve seen internal comms practitioners rise to unbelievable challenges supporting their leadership teams, providing line managers and team leaders with guidance and most importantly building and maintaining connections with, and engagement among, disparate, furloughed, over-stretched workforces.
As we move into the next phase, they’re not only having to maintain all of the above, but also add to it the extra dimension of internal comms around returning to work, keeping workers and workplaces safe.
For many organisations survival and job security for the many will mean redundancy for some. What those numbers will look like, no-one knows yet. What is certain is that once again internal comms are going to need to step up and help shape the message.
Of course, HR will lead on this from an employment law perspective. There are things that have to be done and said in prescribed ways. But IC can help to add humanity to this. IC can help to provide the broader context and, ensure wherever possible there is clarity and certainty for employees. IC can make sure that the process is approached with the organisation’s brand values and behaviours at its heart.
As Eleanor writes “Internal communications is rarely the problem of internal communications teams” but they sure are the answer to so many of the challenges businesses and organisations are facing right now.
Thursday clap anyone?